Other people who will live in the property
Most recent 3-months or 13-weeks' payslips, if self-employed last 2-years SA302's (Tax Computations) and Tax Year Overviews:
Latest statement of any/all benefits, (All pages must be sent):
Most recent 3-months Bank Statements. These must be clear and have name & address at the top of each statement (Not transaction reports):
ID - Clear copy of Passport or Driving Licence for all applicants:
Must have a Guarantor who will provide the following information:
Most recent 3-months or 13-weeks' payslips, if self-employed last 2-years SA302's (Tax Computations) and Tax Year Overviews:
Most recent 3-months Bank Statements. These must be clear and have name & address at the top of each statement (Not transaction reports):
ID - Clear copy of Passport or Driving Licence for all applicants: